Broadcast Journalism
I've only recently stepped into the world of broadcast journalism. Though HHS Media does encompass the broadcast channel at our school, it is a separate class from the one I have taken all four years of high school. Most of my exploration in broadcast has been through my own research and experimentation in the past year or so. I have to say... I absolutely love it!
Matt Leech: The Man Behind the Mural Profile Video
This was my very first video ever. Here were my takeaways:
- Music is a powerful tool in setting the mood of the video
- B-roll should be engaging and match the audio being overlayed
- Consider when voice over is needed and not needed
Here to Stay: Scholastic Journalism Week 2024
In this video I explored the topic of scholastic journalism week in JEA's 100 year celebration. I considered the idea of scholastic journalism being "Here to stay" and how it related to my staff.
*Because we have not yet published our podcast on the website this is not the official podcast, but this is some of the audio I will use.
Podcast: Let's Talk Palestine
After some students at HHS staged a collective Free Palestine protest, I talked to them about the current conflict in Palestine, the power of language in such a situation, the contextual and historical background of the issue and the journalistic implications.
Illustrated Info: Tinker v. Des Moines Case Explained
After my work with Quill and Scroll and the Freedom Forum, I realized how important it was for student journalists to understand their press rights and the legal precedents already set. I created this illustrated video on the Tinker v. Des Moines case and what it means for scholastic journalism.
Encouraging my staff
As previously mentioned, the broadcast class is separate from the journalism class that I take. However, I don't think this should stop my staff from getting a taste of what broadcast is like. On the next quarter I will be adding a broadcast requirement to the gradesheet... meaning all students must create one short broadcast video at some point throughout the quarter. I created this "Broadcast basics" presentation to start and will create more and more as my staff gets the hang of it.

A podcast is also something our media lacks. I believe just short 15-20 minute episodes every week could really increase our engagement on the website. I created this logo and hope to get the podcast up and running by mid-March.